Archive for April 10th, 2012

April 10, 2012


I am suffering from a serious ailment. It plagues me every time I open my blog, fogging my brain with it’s dirty tendrils. The dreaded, malicious, brain draining…writer’s block. My struggle to unblock my creative channels is quite mammoth in proportion and I know not what to do! Writers block hits everyone of us at some point but I wish it didn’t arrive at such inoportune moments! Even though I have arrived back from my holiday and should be feeling refreshed and revived, ready to face my blogalicious future, I feel positively uninspired, and dejected. My ideas for blog posts are dwindling at a massive rate and it’s really quite frustrating. My sentiments are accurately expressed in the cartoon to the left of this writing. If anyone has any cool ideas for what I could occupy my blogging thoughts with (well books obviously, but in what format?) then this would be most heartily appreciated. Until then, I shall attempt to soldier on and entertain you with my wit (aherm) and charm (single raised eyebrow). Happy reading! 🙂