Archive for May 30th, 2012

May 30, 2012

Jodi Picoult- Part 2

So this is another post about Jodi Picoult, as promised, this time about the novel- ‘My Sister’s Keeper’.
Goodreads Synopsis: Written with grace, wisdom, and sensitivity, this novel is about a teen who was conceived as a bone marrow match for her sister Kate, and what happens when she begins to question who she really is.
When I wrote about The Pact recently, the other book I’ve read by Picoult, I stated that Picoult had a habit of making the extrodinary ordinary. My Sister’s Keeper is definitely the better book, possibly because it deals with something which, sadly, is prevalent in our world- cancer, and is thus much easier to relate to. The book is deeply moving- it honestly makes you cry. It looks deeply into the effect of cancer and into the nature of right and wrong. When faced with unusual circumstances and life and death choices. What is actually the ‘right’ thing to do- as a parent, as a sister, as a a friend. This is life at it’s extreme- and reading it is beyond excellent.
Reading Picoult is a bit like watching Opra- a guilty pleasure you can’t quite seem to tear your eyes from, because the people’s stories make you re-examine your judgements of other’s decisions and make you realize just how easy your life is. And also because it’s kinda like a soap opera. And now it’s a film. Enjoy.